Fagdirektør Bjørn Erik Eskedal (t.h.) og daglig leder i IntSpo, Hans Erik Karsten (t.v.)

IntSpo invited to give advice to NKOM

How do we safeguard the interests of customers when the number of IoT devices and IoT providers are growing rapidly?

IntSpo provided input to the National Communications Authority (Nkom) on March 29, 2019. The background for the meeting was an invitation from Nkom to IntSpo and other IoT professionals to discuss the new challenges that IoT poses.

The discussions were based on the recent report from Nkom "Towards an IoT Society" (norwegian) presented by Bjørn Erik Eskedal, technical director at Nkom (in the picture to the right, together with Hans Erik Karsten, CEO of IntSpo).

Here are our suggestions on current issues for customers and providers of IoT:

How safe is IoT? Customers should expect not to be subjected to hacking or other incidents

With new technology comes the need for better security. As a customer and user of IoT, for example, you do not expect to be hacked. IntSpo's intelligent IoT-solution originated from Telenor Research where I was Research Director in 2008. Safety has been a strategic priority throughout. This has given us valuable experience and expertise that has led to the continuous development and implementation of a number of security mechanisms in IntSpo's solution.

IntSpo's opinion: The IoT industry should have a common consensus on the need for a security strategy and have the necessary expertise to develop customized security solutions.

The EU's new digital security certification can contribute to a common standard for the IoT industry

Certification plays a critical role in creating trust and increased security. The problem is the amount of different certifications. The EU has recognized the problem and is therefore working on a new framework for digital security for products, services and processes. EU cybersecurity certification framework will make it possible to establish a comprehensive set of rules, technical requirements, standards and procedures.

IntSpo's opinion: Customers using IoT should be able to expect the service they receive to meet the required standard. EU cybersecurity certification is a step in the right direction.

What can be done with the quality of IoT services?

Service quality is deteriorating today because communications from IoT devices are disrupted, both nationally and across borders. Therefore, we believe that our industry demands continuous development and operation to ensure that our customers receive the service they pay for. Wireless solutions will dominate over time, and in the meeting we discussed the advantages and disadvantages between solutions from the mobile operators (licensed frequency bands) versus alternative solutions without a license.

IntSpo's opinion: As of now, mobile networks are important carriers for IoT solutions. We believe that NKOM should increase competition between mobile operators to ensure better quality of communication to / from the IoT devices.

About IntSpo

IntSpo is a Norwegian technology company that digitizes physical assets with IoT (internet of things). We provide IoT solutions with advanced tracking and sensor technologies which provides optimized management and operation of physical assets. With insight into available and future technology IntSpo can deliver effective solutions designed for each customer's needs.

Visit our website http://www.intspo.no/en/ and follow us on Linkedin and Facebook.

Photo: technical director Bjørn Erik Eskedal (right) and CEO of IntSpo, Hans Erik Karsten (left)
