Real-time tracking of equipment at Norwegian hospitals with IntSpo

HMT has written about IntSpo's Norwegian-built IoT solution for Norwegian hospitals, which has been prepared for 5G with NB-IoT technology.
IntSpo's IoT solutions are prepared for 5G with NB-IoT (photo: Hans Erik Karsten, general manager of IntSpo)

When 4G came, they said, "finally the technology here is like ensures us traceability». But that's not enough - now development is going faster than ever, and 5G is becoming an important part.

That's how the review of IntSpo starts in HMTspecialist journal for hospitals and institutional health services.

For hospitals and other large institutions, tracking has been a headache for several years. Both challenges with proper location of the sensors and interference between floors, rooms and walls, whether the equipment is on the outside or inside, and lots of expensive infrastructure that requires electricity and grid access.

5G with NB-IoT

Tracking of equipment has never been easier than it is now, and our new solutions pave the way, says Hans Erik Karsten, CEO of IntSpo.

- We have developed a solution that is first and foremost 4G based - but also 5G ready already, which covers all needs both in terms of indoor and outdoor location. Tracking equipment has never been easier than it is now, and without costly intermediaries. IntSpo has an innovative solution based on NarrowBand IoT technology, says Karsten.

Norwegian-built solution specially adapted for hospitals

The electronics are fully developed by IntSpo.

- The idea was to come up with a solution that could have a very long life without changing the battery. IntSpo's electronics can send many thousands of messages, which is almost unheard of in tracking. This can last a lifetime of many years. The pieces are also packed with all kinds of technology that can tell you both about temperature, measuring weight, and of course where the bed or trolley is located. It's really just the imagination that sets the limit. And that's also the whole idea behind IntSpo, because we adapt the solution to the customer's needs, ”says Hans Erik Karsten.

Facsimile of the coverage in HMT, click here to read it.
Can be integrated with the customer's internal systems

The system has open APIs and can easily be integrated to the customer's own systems. As all technology is made in Norway, the risk of both hospitals and other institutions against data breaches from other countries is also reduced. All data traffic can also be set up with exactly the same security mechanisms as other critical software operating in hospitals. This provides good security and reduced risk in relation to data exchange.

Initiates many conversations with Norwegian hospitals

There are many discussions right now with different hospitals about how the technology can be adapted to any hospital and their local systems. IntSpo runs many different pre-projects at present, and tells HMT that they are happy to discuss opportunities in new hospitals.

- We dedicate fixed resources from our company to follow up on any project. IntSpo has a very unique expertise, especially in telecom, which also makes the company stand out clearly in the battle for tracking. We are actively working on opportunities for new projects also outside Norway, ”points out Hans Erik Karsten.

Read the full media coverage in HMT

Read more in HMT 2019/6, december 2019.

About IntSpo
IntSpo is a Norwegian technology company that digitizes physical assets with IoT (internet of things). We provide IoT solutions with advanced tracking and sensor technologies which provides optimized management and operation of physical assets. With insight into available and future technology IntSpo can deliver effective solutions designed for each customer's needs.

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